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Hitman Imdb

Hitman Movies: A Guide to the Franchise

Hitman (2007)

Starring Timothy Olyphant, Dougray Scott, Olga Kurylenko, and Robert Knepper, this 2007 action thriller follows Agent 47, a genetically engineered assassin hired by a shadowy organization known as The Organization. The film follows Agent 47 as he uncovers his past and tries to unravel a conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of power.

Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)

This 2015 action film rebooted the Hitman franchise, starring Rupert Friend as Agent 47. The film follows Agent 47 as he is targeted by a secretive organization that seeks to control his abilities. With a fresh cast and a new storyline, this movie explored a different side of the Hitman universe.

Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)

Taking a comedic approach to the Hitman franchise, Hitman's Bodyguard stars Ryan Reynolds as a bodyguard tasked with protecting a notorious hitman, played by Samuel L. Jackson. The film follows their misadventures as they travel across Europe while facing danger from both sides of the law.

The Hitman movie franchise has gained a loyal following among fans of action, suspense, and stealth gameplay. With its intense action sequences, gripping storylines, and complex characters, the Hitman films have captivated audiences worldwide.
